Hannah & Paul The story of Hannah and Paul is a truly unique and special one. You see, Paul is from England and Hannah is and has been an Alabamian. Paul and Hannah met in 2010 and had no idea what the future would hold for them. Paul’s brother, Laurence, had moved to Alabama from […]
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Abby and Joseph Joseph and Abby graduated high school together, but didn’t get to really know each other until after college. Joseph jokes about the two of them being high school sweethearts, but Abby says when they attend their 10-year reunion this Spring as a married couple, classmates will be surprised! Memorial Day weekend Abby […]
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“Dance like nobody’s watching,love like you’ve never been hurt, sing like nobody’s listening and live like it’s heaven on earth.”
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We are so excited about our brides in the new “About Town” wedding issue! We have six amazing weddings showcased this issue and we couldn’t be more thrilled!
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He wrote this post: Artist Gets Photoshopped in Simulated Real-Time for Music Video Since its creation Photoshop has created a lot of controversy within the beauty industry. Some say it creates standards for young girls and women that are impossible to live up to. Even great beauties like movie stars and models are not immune […]
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I absolutely love head shots! It allows me to have some serious one on one time with the client and it shows the personality that some rarely get an opportunity to see. Generally our clients enter as shy individuals whom have dreaded this day since the scheduling of the session. It’s something about the phrase […]
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Brooke and Forrest met at the University of Alabama through mutual friends and greek events. During her sophomore year Brooke, an Alpha Chi Omega, asked Forrest, a Beta Theta Pi, to her sorority Christmas cocktail. Soon after that their official romantic fairytale began! During 2013 after Brooke successfully completed her Dental Admission Test, Forrest came […]
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Last weekend Alabama Ballet held it’s annual Pointe Ball at The Club. The event begins with a seated dinner and then a performance from the company’s dancers. Later in the evening, guests were entertained by the live band. Alabama Ballet has some of the world’s best dancers, so there was never a dull moment on […]
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Mo and I enjoyed the gift of snow that mother nature left us this morning here in Birmingham. It beautiful as ever so bundle up, drink some hot coco and go make a snow angel (I did!).
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Last week Event Rentals Unlimited held it’s open house for industry vendors. It was such an amazing time catching up with everyone and the decor was stunning thanks to Hothouse Designs. Cafe IZ provided amazing food and door prizes were awarded to a few lucky winners. Event Rentals Unlimited provides tenting, chandeliers, glassware and basically […]
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