Today, we decided we’d add a little brightness to our Monday by looking back at a few of the grooms we’ve had this year for a man crush Monday. With the focus usually on the bride, it was time our groom’s had some time in the spotlight. Their personalities make their bride’s and everyone else smile! […]
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HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2014 was a big, big year for Arden Photography; so many exciting things, beautiful weddings, the Equus collection. It was filled over with such gorgeous imagery, smiling couples, close friends, and new chapters that we are beyond excited for the new beginnings in 2015. We are so very lucky to have such a wonderful and […]
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For the most part, the wedding is all about the bride. The groom just needs to show up, look presentable, and say “I do.” We often forget that it is important for him too, and whether he admits it or not, he has totally envisioned that big day as well. And while he might not […]
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Wedding day is always about the bride…and most grooms are A-Okay with that! They know the spotlight should be on their beautiful wife to be, so here is a shout out to a few of the wonderful grooms that Arden Photography has had the pleasure to work with this year!
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