Get Ready for us to be on a blog roll. Brett & I have been in Ireland teaching a photography workshop and after taking in some Irish scenery we are so excited to get back and get into the swing of wedding/portrait photos. With all of this excitement we have decided to take over our blog from Sarah and get a ton of images up on the web so if you follow us please stop by everyday because we will update the blog every night for the month of September unless we are out of town. Although I know we are going to be able to get many images up this way I am sure that won’t even come close to getting the blog up to date with all our amazing images we’ve taken over the past few months.
To get started we are posting some Ireland shots but look for images that we have been holding on to for several months.
Ruins near the home we stayed in. After touring around the countryside I had a better understanding of why so many painters how been inspired by these scenes
It rained everyday we were in Kinvara but with rainbows like this when the sun came out you can understand why the Irish are so cheerful. No pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but aren’t these colors amazing?
The grass was so green and beautiful and isn’t this little one a cutie?
August 29th, 2008 at 9:36 pm
Gorgeous! The cow looks like it might charge and lick your face!