Pay attention
Listen: The less times something has to be repeated the more laidback the experience is.
Body language: If someone, or, more importantly, the bride looks uncomfortable automatically see what can be done to take away any negative feelings.
Offer help if someone appears they are struggling.
Be a team player
Not everyone in the bridal party may get along, but it’s your job to be civil. The bride wanted you and everyone else to be specifically involved for her special day, so put aside any hostility.
Be open-minded and understanding toward other’s special needs and personalities.
All bridesmaids should have a basic understanding and leniency of catering toward the bride’s needs and requests.
Don’t share every opinion
When asked for, answer honestly but respectfully. Remember that although something may not be up to your standard, each wedding is individualized and unique to a couple, and they should be the ones happy with the outcome.
Plan bachelorette party accordingly
Time can get away from the bride and her bridal party when planning for the big day. Make sure to take time to sit down and converse about date, location, and budget so that everyone can experience some fun R&R before the b ig day.
Set boundaries
Sometimes requests and needs may be completely out of your control. If the bride gets upset or is asking for a lot of your time, respectfully address it and designate when you can be available. It’s okay to confront possible conflict before it gets too out of hand.
Photo by: Arden Photography
Photo by: Arden Photography
Photo by: Arden Photography
Photo by: Arden Photography
Photo by: Arden Photography
Photo by: Arden Photography